Bringing the European volcanological community closer together

Publié le 7 février 2019 Mis à jour le 22 mars 2021

Constitution d'une communauté européenne de vulcanologie

The European Network of Observatories and Research Infrastructures for Volcanology EUROVOLC is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Project of the European Commission. It will construct an integrated and harmonized European volcanological community able to fully support, exploit and build-upon existing and emerging national and pan-European research infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures of the European Supersite volcanoes. The harmonization includes linking scientists and stakeholders and connecting still isolated volcanological infrastructures located at in situ volcano observatories (VO) and volcanological research institutions (VRIs).

For this purpose, EUROVOLC will carry out Networking and Joint Research activities, and offer Trans-national and Virtual Access to the main European Volcano Observatories and Volcano Research Infrastructures. These activities will address four broad transversal Themes:

Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) and its OPGC component is a full partner of the EUROVOLC project. Our team of 10 scientists and specialists contribute to this project through the active participation in 14 Work Packages. UCA-OPGC leads WP4/Volcano-atmosphere interaction and leads project connecting the volcanological community with the VAAC NA2.3 in WP4. Provides virtual access to remote sensing and numerical models and simulations in WP24.

The EUROVOLC consortium includes volcano observatories in Europe responsible for surveillance of volcanoes and for providing advice on their activity in Italy, Iceland, Portugal (the Azores), Greece (volcanic islands) and France (overseas territories), as well as additional partners responsible for providing advice to authorities on volcanic risk and hazard. This consortium of VOs comprises all volcano observatories in Europe (see Figure below).

Detailed information on the EUROVOLC project and its latest developments, including Calls for applications for Trans-national and Virtual Access, can be monitored closesly on the EUROVOLC website: The EUROVOLC project can also be followed on social media through the dedicated #eurovolc and @eurovolc usernames on Twitter and Instagram, and Facebook.

Geographical distribution of European volcanoes (red circles): on the European continents, plus Canary islands (left) and in overseas countries (right)
Geographical distribution of European volcanoes (red circles): on the European continents, plus Canary islands (left) and in overseas countries (right) - Geographical distribution of European volcanoes (red circles): on the European continents, plus Canary islands (left) and in overseas countries (right)


UCA-OPGC principal investigator

Philippe LABAZUY, geophysicist at Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC).

Key figures

Project duration: 3 years (February 2018 to November 2021)

Funding allocated to UCA-OPGC : 290 000 €

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement N°731070.